Ferminator Connect

Stock: In stock
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
Ferminator Connect
With a Ferminator you can ferment at a precise and stable temperature, which ensures a perfect fermentation without difficulty.

It is now possible to control your Ferminator online and see current temperatures and settings. Follow Ferminator Connect in real time from any modern mobile, tablet or computer. You can also control your Ferminator directly on the display. At room temp. (20°) the Ferminator can lower the temp. to 0° and raise it to 50°*.

Ferminator Connect packing size:
644 x 488 x 745 mm
To Favourites

Ferminator Connect:

External dimensions:
560 L x 560 B x 651H
Internal dimensions:
436 L x 436 B x 531 H

Size fits:

32 L. Fermenter
30 L. FermZilla Flat Bottom
29 L. Kegmenter

With 1 expansion module

Ferminator with 1 expansion module

External dimensions:
560 L x 560 B x 871H
Internal dimensions:
436 L x 436 B x 751 H

Size fits:

30 L. FermZilla All rounder
3 x 19 L. Cornelius Kegs.
58 L. Kegmenter

With 2 expansion modules

Ferminator with 2 expansion modules
External dimensions:
560 L x 560 B x 1091H
Internal dimensions:
436 L x 436 B x 971 H

Size fits:

27 L. FermZilla
35 L. FermZilla
60 L. FermZilla All rounder
4 x 19 L. Cornelius Kegs.

With 3 expansion modules

Ferminator with 3 expansion modules
External dimensions:
560 L x 560 B x 1311H
Internal dimensions:
436 L x 436 B x 1191 H

Size fits:

55 L. FermZilla

Ferminator Connect
with WiFi

It is now possible to control your Ferminator online and see current temperatures and settings. Follow Ferminator Connect in real time from any modern mobile, tablet or computer. You can also control your Ferminator directly on the display.

Temperature control is one of the most important elements in beer brewing

The power is in your hands

Control your Ferminator online wherever you are and see all the information you need about your brew and settings in real time. All temperature information is all gathered in a nice, detailed graph, where you can follow the temperature and see the changes that have been made.

Achieve a cleaner and better taste in your beer

A uniform fermentation temperature ensures that unwanted flavor notes are avoided and that the yeast goes dormant.

The correct temperature

It is e.g., possible to ferment pilsners and lagers at the right and stable temperature or ale with lots of desired esters at a high fermentation temperature.

Compensates for heat generation during fermentation

Even if the room temperature is 20 degrees, the temperature in the fermentation tank rises to several degrees if you do not use a Ferminator.
Ferminator also protects your brew from sunlight.

Bluetooth and WiFi

Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules are located at the top above the display. This ensures the best possible signal strength. The Wi-Fi signal is used to connect the Ferminator to our WebApp BrewCreator.

The Ferminator can only be used on 2.4 GHz networks, as this Wi-Fi signal has the longest range.

The Bluetooth signal is used to connect the Ferminator Connect with a Graviator

WebApp gives you all possibilities

BrewCreator is a brand new WebApp that allows you to control your brew, anywhere, anytime. It only requires you have access to a browser and the Internet; mobile, tablet and desktop compatible. Easy and clear overview of your brew. Allows you to connect products and collect data from your brew.

The Ferminator's software can be easily updated online at BrewCreator.

Connect with Graviator

BrewCreator makes it possible to connect a Graviator (or Tilt) to the Ferminator. Graviator is a wireless Wi-Fi hydrometer and thermometer.

When you connect a Graviator, the Ferminator reads from the temperature inside the beer via the Graviator and adjusts the temperature based on this. The result is an unprecedentedly precise and stable temperature control, which ensures that the beer's fermentation process gets the most optimal conditions.

The perfect set-up

A Ferminator connected to the Graviator removes the uncertainty of whether the fermentation process is proceeding as it should. You get nice and clear graphs of the fermentation process as well as all the most important information: OG, SG, FG, ABV, SET and ACT temperature. This set-up provides reassurance that your brew is on the right track. You can see when your fermentation begins and when it is finished. The alcohol percentage is automatically calculated.

Easy to setup
Connecting a Graviator to the Ferminator Connect is easy and straightforward by using BrewCreator. See in the video how easy it is.

Easy integration
We have made it incredibly easy to integrate with user-defined cloud services, e.g., Brewfather. In BrewCreator, only the cloud URL must be inserted.

Consistent temperature

The built-in fan is designed to circulate the air around the yeast tank instead of directly onto it. This ensures a uniform temperature throughout the unit, and unwanted very direct temperature adjustments in a limited area are avoided. This creates the best conditions for the yeast, and the most optimal conditions for the beer.

The speed of the fan can be adjusted in 4 levels in the Fan Speed menu:

Fan Speed 1: 40 dB
Fan Speed 2: 45 dB
Fan Speed 3: 47 dB
Fan Speed 4: 50 dB

40 dB corresponds with a quiet library or birds singing outside in the garden.
50 dB corresponds with a quiet office or muffled speech.

Some may have considered using a refrigerator as a fermentation cabinet. The refrigerator is not built to be used as a fermentation cabinet, which is a danger. A standard refrigerator allows a temperature difference of 3 degrees before it starts regulating the temperature; contrary to a Ferminator, which stays more accurate within 0.5 degrees.

⋅ More precise and stable temperature control
⋅ Ferminator contains no freon or harmful chemicals
⋅ No compressor
⋅ No maintenance

No smell from the fermentation

Minimal to almost no smell from the fermentation. The unique design and construction of the Ferminator ensures an almost airtight environment, where most of the smell from the fermentation is encapsulated.

Temperature adjustment

The Ferminator is designed to cool and heat at a carefully adjusted level with a focus on creating the best conditions for the yeast and the beer. To avoid stressing the yeast or even killing it, the Ferminator is designed to create a controlled and adapted temperature adjustment. The stable temperature and adjustment also ensure that the yeast does not go dormant.

Ferminator temperature adjustment intervals:
From 20°C – 5°C, 24-48 hours*.
From 20°C – 0°C, 48-72 hours*.
From 20°C – 40°C, 8-12 hours*.
From 50°C – 20°C, >24 hours*.

Ferminator vs. Glycol

The Ferminator's power consumption is minimal, and significantly less than a Glycol cooler, which uses up to 950 Watts. The Ferminator's consumption at maximum is 80 Watt, and in standby only 1 Watt.
The Ferminator is much cheaper to buy than a Glycol cooler. Furthermore, you have no risk of glycol or leakage in your beer. The Ferminator can also both cool and heat and requires no maintenance.

No limits

With the Ferminator, you can ferment lagers and lagers at the right low temperature or the wildest Kveik at 40°C, as well as everything in between - only the imagination sets the limits.

Expansion module

Additional expansion modules can be purchased for the Ferminator so that it can be adapted to most needs.

The expansion module has a height of 22 cm.
In addition to the expansion modules, the Ferminator can be expanded with an additional cooling/heating unit on the back.
Expansion module and Ferminator can be separated so that it takes up minimal space when storing.

Incredibly flexible

The very design of the Ferminator makes it incredibly flexible and it can be easily expanded with several expansion modules, so it can be adapted to most fermentation tanks and needs. Below you can see how the Ferminator can be adapted and possibly how many expansion modules are needed to fit your requirements.


The display in the Ferminator has a new design that is easy to read, and the device is easy to operate with a few simple buttons. The set and current temperature is always shown in the display, so it is easy to follow the development. If a Graviator or Tilt is connected, SG appears in the display.

• Clear display – see all the most important brewing information on the start page
• Specific Gravity (SG) display when Graviator or Tilt is connected
• Graviator battery status
• Wi-Fi signal strength indicator
• Fan Speed
• Easy and intuitive design





Termék gyártó

In stock
Article No.
10.5 kg/pcs
Bonus point
3.41 €